The Atlantic Immigration Pilot Programs (AIPP) closed on December 31, 2021 with the expiration of the pilot bilateral agreements. The Ministerial Instructions will expire on March 5, 2022. These grant IRCC the authority to continue accepting pilot applications until March 5, 2022 (processing may continue beyond this date, as long as the complete applications were received by March 5, 2022). Any pilot applications received as of March 6, 2022, should be rejected by CIO.
IRCC will start accepting PR applications under the Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP) as of March 6, 2022.
This section describes how to process applications for permanent residence submitted by applicants in the three Atlantic Immigration Pilot Programs through the paper-based application process.
The Atlantic high-skilled, intermediate-skilled and international graduate programs are three economic pilot programs targeted to foreign nationals with job offers in the Atlantic region, who have received an endorsement by an Atlantic province and who meet minimum education, work experience and language proficiency requirements.